Over 2 millenia ago, a tiny baby was born into the most humble of circumstances. This royal son, the only begotten of the Father, was not clothed in silken robes, but was wrapped in swaddling clothes, and laid in a manger. He was prophecied of by many ancient prophets. He was the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Truly unto us a child was born, and the Government of Heaven and earth was upon his shoulders. His name truly is Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.
Of his kingdom there is no end, for his coming into the world had been planned from before the foundations of the world, and the effects of his life will give life to all of humankind and will stretch into the eternities and beyond.
But his life was not to be easy. He taught with power, performed miracles, and showed the love of God to all he met. His love knew no bounds, and he freely gave to all who came humbly seeking him. He taught us that he was the way, the truth, and the life, and to come unto him. Yet the Pharisees and Saduccees, instead of accepting him as the promised Messiah, said his miracles and teachings were done by the power of the Devil, that he was a blasphemer and worse.
But this was foretold as well. As Isaiah says, he was despised, rejected, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief…surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows…and with his stripes we are healed.
Betrayed by his own, abandoned by all, he faced the indescribable agony of the atonement, where his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling to the ground. Then he faced the abuse of the Jewish leaders, the flogging of the Roman troops, and yet meekly he still succumbed to the horrors of crucifixion.
He was laid to rest in a borrowed tomb. During that time he went to his father, and to the world of the Spirits of the just. He organized his work there, that others might know of the good news of his triumph over sin and death.
After 3 days, the prison doors were rent, and he became the firstfruits of them that slept. Angels rolled back the door of the tomb, and reported he is not here, he is risen, and beckoned all who came to the tomb to come and see the place where the Lord lay.
He appeared to many, apostles and disciples alike, and then went to visit the other sheep in his fold, the people of the Americas and other places. Prophets in those places had testified of his coming and death, had seen in vision what the Savior, the fulfillment of prophecy, would do.
He taught them his gospel, and organized his church there, with all of the saving ordinances that he brought to the old world, and then ascended into heaven.
This once tiny baby still lives today as the Savior and Redeemer of the World. And he has restored his gospel, once lost for millennia, to the earth today. The lord whom ye seek has suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant.
Prophecies are again being fulfilled at his hand, inspiring the minds and hearts of men and women all over the world. His greatest desire is to draw men to him so that they might feel of the love of God that emanates from him and through the spirit. That each person on the face of the earth might feel of his love through the spirit is his hope for us. The fullness of his New Testament Gospel is again on the Earth, to bless the lives of all who come unto him. And it touches each individual heart with the tenderness of a God who is aware of each of us, and involved in our lives more than we know, but can if we open our hearts to him, and do his work.
He said to Peter that if he loved him to feed his sheep. There are many out there who need the bread and water of life. As the prophet says, we are God’s hands on earth, with a mandate to serve. As we serve others, they are able to feel of the love of God as well. It softens them.
This is one of the keys that Christ knew, and was willing to give his life for. He tirelessly served others, and as we serve others too, we will come to know this great key to happiness in this life and in the next. And we will become like Christ as we do.
When we meet him face to face, how wonderful a time that will be for us as we see that we have become like him. To embrace him and to join with him in rejoicing as we realize that we have been dependent upon him our whole lives, and his power has lifted us, and will for eternity.
And how wonderful it will be to know that those whose lives we have touched will also be able to dwell with the Savior and us again. That is the secret of life. To become connected to those around us, bound together by the Love of the Savior.
That is just a few parts of what the birth of the Savior means to us. His gospel is on the earth again, and to find out more, go to http://www.mormon.org
When Christ was born, the people in the American continent saw the star, and had another sign of his birth, a night of light, even though the sun had set. This was prophesied by prophets in the Americas. Read more by clicking here http://bit.ly/J8J59P
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Picture is Light of the World, by Brent Borup, available athttp://www.brentborupstudio.com/lightoftheworld.html
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